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Can my student use an IKON Pass instead of a Summit Pass?

An IKON Pass is only valid for 7 days at the Summit. An IKON Base Pass is only valid for 5 days at the Summit. Both require ADVANCE reservations at the Summit for each day you plan to use it there. Please note that Bellevue Ski School programs are 8 Saturdays.  Days NOT covered by your IKON pass will require that you drive up to the Summit to purchase a day ticket and the RFID media card it is loaded onto PRIOR to our ski school classes — students must have the ticket/pass IN HAND to board our buses. Bellevue Ski School cannot assist with this and will not offer any refunds for days missed due to lack of ski pass.

One option to consider is purchasing a Summit Alpental Plus Pass with an IKON Base Pass add-on.

What level should I register my returning student?

To get a certificate for your student(s) end of season proficiency and recommended registration level for the new season:

1) got to https://ullr.com
3) login: bellevue
password: PARENTS
4) click on ‘Get Graduation Certificates for 2024’
5) enter parent email (used for registration)
6) click on ‘Get Certificate’

My student has no insurance. What can I do?

All registered students must have medical insurance which covers snowsports. If student does not have coverage, many school districts offer inexpensive insurance covering sport activities including Bellevue Ski School. E.g. via Myers, Stevens and Toohey with online enrollment here.

What happens if my child is injured?

Bellevue Ski School has an excellent safety program with a dedicated staff of experienced safety volunteers. Multiple teams of safety volunteers are on hand throughout the day to assist injured or sick students.

If your child is hurt or becomes ill they should go to the Chaperone Hut where the safety staff will assess your child’s condition and determine a course of action.

Members of the of the National Ski Patrol are stationed at The Summit At Snoqualmie. If your child is injured and unable to get themselves to the Chaperone Hut, the Ski Patrol will transport them to the Ski Patrol Infirmary. Our safety team will be notified and, in conjunction with the Ski Patrol, determine a course of action.

Students with minor injures are transported from the mountain by members of the safety team. You will be notified if your child is being transported from the mountain and you will be instructed to meet the transport team in the lobby of the emergency room at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue (see map). Safety drivers will remain with your child until you, or an authorized guardian, arrives to assume responsibility for the student.

At the direction of the Ski Patrol, students with more serious injures will be transported by ambulance.

IMPORTANT: Please do not allow a sick child to attend ski school. The parents of children arriving sick will be instructed to come up the mountain and pick up the child immediately. If your child is sick, please keep them at home.

What if my child forgets the season pass lift ticket?

Your child needs to let a chaperone know right away. For students with a season pass, the area will issue them a one day lift ticket. This is a one-time-only courtesy, so it is important that your child keep the pass in their ski coat at all times.

What if the bus is delayed or comes back early?

If conditions warrant an early return or cause us to be delayed coming home, you will receive either a call from your student via cell phone or a call from an automated service letting you know the time we are expected to leave the ski area as well as the estimated time of our arrival at the loading zone.

What if ski school is canceled?

Information regarding changes in our schedule or last minute cancellations will be posted on our web site and Facebook page.

What should my child bring?

  • Skis, ski boots and poles
    (please have a strap to keep the skis together) or…
  • Snowboard and snowboard boots
  • Ski and/or snowboard bags are ok, but leave them in the Bus cargo hold
  • Please LABEL all equipment (write on packing tape with a sharpie)
  • Food: Sack lunch and a snack and/or money (MS and HS only) for lunch.
  • Season pass lift ticket
  • Bellevue Ski School Bus ID
  • Bellevue Ski School Safety Tag attached to pants
  • Small backpacks are OK — NO suitcases or boot bags

What clothing should my child have?

See Equipment for a list of recommended gear and sources.

Should my child wear a helmet?

Helmets are required for all students enrolled in Bellevue Ski School. For more information about the importance of helmets for children participating in snow sports, please visit https://answers.childrenshospital.org/ski-snowboard-helmet-guide/

Where can I get more information about concussions?

One informative site is maintained by the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/index.html

What if my child has a problem during the day?

Instruct your child to go to the chaperone hut. Bellevue Ski School has a chaperone hut in the top level of the Ski Patrol building  between the Central Express and Reggie’s Chair ski lifts. The  entrance is the tall staircase  on the outside the building, facing Reggie’s Chair.

Our job is to be there for your child to make sure they have a fun and safe day. Please tell your children to come to the hut for any reason they feel they need to, including: when they are feeling sick, are hurt (Ski Patrol will be called), have lost a ticket, broken equipment, wet gloves, or forgot their lunch.

Can I pick my child up from the ski area?

Only if this is pre-arranged. Prior to your child boarding the bus in the morning, you must complete an Early Release Form specifying the person (21 or older) picking up the student. Early Release Forms are available every Saturday at the table in the loading area or on our website. Early Release Form can be downloaded from our forms page.

Give the Early Release Form to your child’s bus chaperone. Follow instructions on form regarding time and where to meet your student. Please note that if you are late (or change your mind about the early pickup) the student will ride down the hill on the bus with us.

Person picking up student must show photo ID to the chaperone hut desk worker and sign before being allowed to leave with your child. The hut chairperson will give you your child’s ID card and you can then take your child to the bus to pick up belongings.

If a child is not checked out at least 20 minutes before the buses depart then they will ride the bus home.

PLEASE! NEVER PICK UP A CHILD WITHOUT CHECKING THEM OUT WITH THE HUT DESK! We will stay on the mountain looking for your child until we locate them or hear from you. This could result in all buses being delayed hours at MAJOR inconvenience to hundreds of parents while we needlessly search for a ‘lost’ child whom you removed without our knowledge.

Does my child have to ride the bus to the ski area, or can I drive my child?

Your child MUST ride the bus to the ski area. Our program requires all students to ride the bus in order to participate in classes.

What is the cost?

See Prices.

Please remember that the tuition you pay the Bellevue Ski School is for the lessons and transportation ONLY! You need to purchase or rent your equipment, provide proper snow clothing (especially ski/snowboard gloves and you must also purchase a Summit Pass season pass (we will provide access to purchase a Summit Pass even if sold out).

Do you offer scholarships?

Unfortunately, as an all-volunteer, non-profit organization trying to keep prices as low as possible for all, we simply do not have the resources to offer discounts or scholarships.

How do I sign up to volunteer with Bellevue Ski School?

See Volunteer for more information.

What time does my child need to be at the bus loading area?

Arrive at the bus loading area a minimum of 15 minutes before the bus is scheduled to leave. Have your child place their equipment neatly beside the bus they will ride on. Being on time, between 15 and 30 minutes before the bus is scheduled to leave helps us to load students and equipment quickly and efficiently. Buses will NOT wait for tardy students.

Where can my child store their lunch and extra clothing during the day?

Elementary students will keep their lunch box and extra clothing in their backpack on the bus. They will have access to the bus during the lunch hour where can have their lunch, warm-up and use the restrooms.

Middle School and High School students will not have access to the bus during the day. If they want access to their clothing, lunch, etc., they can rent a locker in the lodge to store belongings safely.

We also strongly recommend that you purchase the Ski and Bag Check service for Middle School and High School students, a $15 add-on to their season pass. This is the best way to prevent the theft of your student’s equipment although you have to convince your student to actually use it!

Where do kids eat their lunch?

Elementary students will eat their lunches in the bus. They will have access to the bus during the lunch hour. They can leave their lunch box and their bag on bus while on the slopes.

Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers will eat lunch on their own. The Summit has space for students to eat packed lunches as well as a full service cafeteria. Middle and High students will not have access to buses at lunch time, so students will need to carry packed food, find a rental locker at the lodge or use the ski/bag check.

What if my child wants to change classes?

On the first day of class, all students will be assessed to assure that they are placed correctly.

If your child feels that they should be in a different class, please have them discuss this with their instructor. If your child is not comfortable doing this, please have them come to the chaperone hut. We will have them talk with one of the Vice Presidents and have the situation assessed.

Is there a lost and found?

All items left on the bus the previous week are available at the loading area during the morning loading time. Ask a chaperone or someone working at the sign-in table at the loading zone.