Instructor Training Program: High School Only

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Who Is Eligible?

High School Students
Grades 9-12


Advanced students only.
Advanced skills test required.

About the Program

Looking for a Great Job?
An inexpensive season pass?
Actual instructor experience?
Get Qualified Here!

We seek out graduates of this class when selecting instructors for our annual staffing needs.

Whether you have a serious desire to become a ski instructor, or you want to make that jump to high performance upper level skiing, this program is for you.

NEW Bonus! All participants are eligible to purchase a season pass at Instructor pricing — about 1/3 of ski school discount! Register with program and then email Ullr Sports School for special ordering instructions.

After the first 3 Saturdays, participants will be assigned to shadow elementary instruction classes so you will earn real cadet instructor experience.

There is a test at the end of the season for instructor training students interested in trying out to be paid instructors next season.

Bonus! Students who successfully complete this course receive a free pre-season instructor training package for qualifying to be an instructor the next fall (a $50 value). Email Ullr Sports School for more info.


Summit Central

Required Advanced Skills Test

You must pass a proficiency test to demonstrate that you can ski or ride in control on Blue terrain. The test will be conducted in a marked corridor approximately 30 ft. wide and 300 ft. long set on Blue terrain by the Gallery Lift.

To PASS, an Instructor Training Student will be expected to:

  • control your speed by making linked turns across the fall line
  • make linked turns in both directions (left/right, toeside/heelside)
  • stay inside the corridor from top to bottom with no falls or stops

Students will get up to 3 attempts on the course during the testing period.

Students who do NOT pass the skills test or MISS the test must sign up and pay for Recreational Skiing/Snowboarding.


See the price sheet for the various program prices and deadlines